Who would've thought that a circa 7-years ago, we built the foundations of what we now have become from the seeds of an honest, selfless friendship. Back then, our actions and feelings towards the other was mutually and independently reciprocal but little that we know - back then all the small gestures and kindness we shared actually harbored mightier and grander connotations. For the next few years that came, our affections for each other blossomed into something so sublimely beautiful. We shared countless laughs and tears; hand in hand we journeyed through our ups and downs, and lest we forget - the journey along the way was paved by a myriad of love, affection, passion and a new founded respect for one another.
Alhamdulillah, through these years we have both grown so much. We've learned that trust is an essential feat in every relationship, be it marital or not. We've ascertained that perseverance can only thrive on the support from one another, and in our darkest struggles we acquire each other's respect through learning to accept ourselves for who we are. In all congruency, you have been testament to a reminder, that you don't have to be exact photocopies of each other to survive in a partnership. It's okay to have different views on even substantial things and still remain vividly in love for each other.
Most importantly, in all honesty my dearest - you have shown me how powerful faith and patience can be. In the years of our courtship, in times where time, vast oceans and land separate us, your dedication remained tethered. With every argument and fight that came with distance, your commitment and allegiance did not wither but substantially grew stronger. You may ascertain me a role model in your life, but you are a martyr of everything I hold dear in mine.

This year you turn a year older, my love. But with that single increment, you are twice a warmer daughter, thrice a loving sister, and leaps beyond the woman you were. I am proud to still remain your best friend, but even words would fail to comprehend how much happier I am to have you as my wife.

P.S : Thank you to everyone, near and far for all the warm wishes and kind gestures for her on her birthday. I appreciate it a lot.
salam jep n fifah...hope both of u are doing fine...happy birthday fifah....both of u are lucky to have each other...best jer baca kisah cinta korang mcm hikayat seribu satu malam....may god bless both of u always:)
-kak dila-
Salaam Jep & Fifah.
Happy belated birthday Fifah! Sorry, PakTam tak perasan - maklum le, PakTam takde FB!
Jep & Fifah - I think I've mentioned this to you guys before, but I'll mention it again since your posting is relevant. To me, a good match sometimes should be opposite the other in certain ways but similar in many. Macam jigsaw puzzle la - all pieces share the same picture but each piece is different from the other, baru la boleh make a nice complete picture!
Take care you guys!
Both of u still have a long way to go. There will be more trials along the way. It will not be a bed of roses all the time.
only true love will stand the test of time...sapa kata tu ha?...anyway, I'm not trying to scare u two, just trying to make u face reality.
Nevertheless, all will be fine cos in the end it will only make you stronger....meanwhile, enjoy ur new found happiness. Mama sentiasa doakan ur married life stay fresh and blessed for always....
Aaaawww...this is so sweet and endearing..loved it. Actually makteh text fifah on her bday tapi takde response, maybe message tak masuk kot..anyway, we still can have a party when she gets back, kan? Boleh crash nabilla punye party on the 29th!!
See you guys!!
Thanks for the wishes guys! InsyaAllah, we both hope we can live our marriage life under the guidance of your advices and experience. Every day is a new day for us, and we learn more about each other with its passing.
MakTeh : Boleh je, but I won't be around yet then...:(
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