Saturday, August 04, 2007

"The One with changes...."

Let's talk about change.

Some people resist change. However to deny change is to challenge our very nature. We are, after all, living in a full circle called life. And life, as we know it - cannot remain stale or left stagnant. The matter at hand is how we deal with change, and how the people around us are affected by it. We change sometimes for the betterment of ourselves; we change because of support and role models. We also change to suit the environment surrounding us; and at times we change because we simply moved on with life.

Whatever the reason may be, change often takes hostage on resolute terms. Newton teaches us that with every action, corresponds a spontaneous, yet equal reaction. In a social matrix we call life, change causes a somewhat ripple effect that transcends each and every individual we cross paths with on a daily basis. Friends, family, foes, teachers and students, subordinates and superiors. Whoever it may be, if he/she means something to you - they'll be rattled by changes we make in part.

Sometimes these people enjoy the same perspective we have in changing. But that's not the resounding truth in reality. Reality sucks, and often the people around us fail to look pass the rational of why, and what we change. Blame it on the undeniable truth that everyone is insecure. Being insecure of losing something worthwhile; losing someone precious; losing something meaningful. When someone changes, let's face it - everything changes as well. You don't normally do the things you'd do before, you don't feel the same anymore, and you find pleasure as well as attention on different things which don't necessarily convey the same meaning to those around you. Now why are we so darn selfish then? Why would we change, mostly for ourselves and not for others?

This is where this post changes paths.

Sometimes, when we change we fail to consider the effects we inflict onto others. How it'd affect them as much as it'll affect us. Change is great; but personally it's sometimes overrated. Change can only find meaning and be significant if it finds a way to coincide with the present. Of course, change is imminent but that does not mean things would drastically change. Change is an everlasting, ever happening process. As Rome was not built in a day, the same as change does not occur in full motion.

The best mechanism of change are those that change with time, not against time. So says Stephen Hawking. I find this to be brutally honest.

In the end, if we can't face the changes of others - maybe it's time we changed as well; and move on with our lives. Que sera sera; whatever will be, will be.


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