Thursday, June 22, 2006

"The One with growing up in good 'ol Kg Ganang...."

I remember mom saying once when I was in high school, that you'll only have one teen phase and that we should make the most of it. Of course, people often comprehend that life starts in varsity, but she was right when she said you only have ONE shot at being a teen...

Reminiscing back through the good old days of my 'youth', I did have the best time phasing out of the shells of my childhood. The whole stuffs and misdemeanours I did, most of the time sinically performed with the various 'subahat-subahat's I've learned to call good friends and of course also with Andi and Afzal. Boy were we naughty growing up. I remembered that I once tore my ankle swinging madly from the branches of a tree in our house back in Petagas; it was also my first surgery (six stitches, mind you!) and I was soooo freaking out mom had to buy me toys (I believe it's called Zoids back then) just to persuade me to forgo the operation. Much to the envy of Andi and Afzal when I went home that day with the Zoid-thingy, and a big bulging gauss sticking out of my ankle.

It hurt for days but the Zoid was so worth it.

Speaking of my life growing up in Petagas, I'd remember days when I'd cycle with the gang to S.Mugan just to get the 30-cent popsicle. Back in those days these icicles achieved retro-status, and nowadays it's more often than not a rarity to buy. Dad bought each of us (Me, Andi and Afzal) bikes; each with different heights so that one couldn't ride another so we'd tag along with Firman and Izzat on adventures discovering the every nook crannies of Kg Ganang and beyond. Kinda found many shortcuts to a lot of interesting places, I must say....

Well, that was a snippet of life on the carefree lane of me in my childhood years. Many more to mention and share, but there's just so much that my words fail to comprehend the extent of my apprehension. But the beauty of writing is that you could always pen-down and start-off to a continuation of any origin. And the truth is, I'm just getting started...:-)



dr_luv82 said...

yeaps, we sure did find a lot of shortcuts... but u found the best one of all, shortcut straight into the drain... keh keh keh...

Anonymous said...

haha..setuju2..still can vividly remeber jep coming back home full in mud!!itula pasal, sape suruh balik time2 maghrib, kan dah kene!!hehe...best2..memories down the lane