Today is a special day. A very special day indeed.
We often discern inspiration and aspiration in the prudence of others; individuals whom we look up to upon mirroring our own lives. Between the lines of books and fables we acquire heroes and martyrs, champions by virtue of their indifference - people who live for a purpose, which they continually upheld throughout their lives. In short - the people who inspire us to be better beings through liberty of their noble actions.
We often discern inspiration and aspiration in the prudence of others; individuals whom we look up to upon mirroring our own lives. Between the lines of books and fables we acquire heroes and martyrs, champions by virtue of their indifference - people who live for a purpose, which they continually upheld throughout their lives. In short - the people who inspire us to be better beings through liberty of their noble actions.
But then there are also people who we heave the utmost respect for based on their courage against life's toughest adversities. Individuals whom, in dire situations exhibit such an innate and intangible level of moral fiber; those who always seek that light at the end of the tunnel, and that elusive rainbow after a storm. People who harbor good thoughts upon evil deeds, people who religiously believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason. People who never fail to remind us, that there is much to be thankful in life - even in standpoints that arise upon our own demise.
In the biography of my own life; off its delinquency and flamboyance, I stand the proudest being a brother to someone I conceive a hero in his own right. A brother who often reminds me, that life is not necessarily about how to survive the storm - but instead how to dance in the rain. A person who acquaints that you live your life, not from the past nor for the future, but you live your life IN the present and for within the presence of matters.
It's uncommon to find inspiration within the ranks of your own family - but this is a blessing I have been thankful to receive in my life. And today, he has a lot to be proud for.

From my memory, Afzal has always been the 'baby boy' of the family since time immemorial; always being picked on and tricked into doing things he doesn't necessarily want or needs or has the affection for by his older brothers and uncles. For years he lived under the shadows of his older brothers and sometimes left with the stigma of living up to their accomplishments; often disowned of his well-deserved efforts. But deep inside this altruistic individual, lied a commanding desire to be recognized for his own efforts.
It took him years of perseverance, and through exceptional feats of meritorious achievements he finally was recognized for his own accomplishments. It was not an easy road to tread, the most primrose of paths to choose, but then again you have not been known to take the most comfortable of options, have you? Just look at who you have become today, and how far you've come. The people you've met, the knowledge you acquired, the wisdom you've learnt. Today, you are our first very own M.D in the family and we are all very proud of you. Today, you have set the bar for those who proceed you - an epitome for our younger kins aspiring for great heights.
Today is your day chemoboy, and I believe today brings you a commemoration far greater in emotion than it ever had before. Today is your day chemoboy, and with that I bid you the best of days. Today you turn a year older my brother, and to that I say a very Happy Birthday, Dr. Mas Afzal Masarudin.
Today I promise you this my brother - that wherever you go or whatever it is that ails you, you will always have your family behind you lending all the support in the world. May your spirit always remain tethered when you feel the weakest, and your morale uplifted even within the greatest adversity of challenges.

Selamat Ulangtahun Kelahiran Afzal, semoga dipanjangkan umur serta sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.
- JeP
P.S : Then again, looking back - who would've known that the people we have become today - were just three little rascals that once rocked the worlds of Nor Inchun and Masarudin two decades ago?
Selamat Harijadi Dr Afzal!!! From your proud uncle/untie & your baby cousin - Adam >>>> PAkCik
It feels like only yesterday - 12.10.1984 - in the wee hours of the morning, I delivered you in Hospital Daerah Bentong, minus papa who had to register for his M.A Program in the United States.
You were a whopping 12lbs baby, whose cries orchestrate through the whole of Bentong town. I remember aki saying "Aki dengar suarapun tau dah mesti lelaki". You had such a big voice, which complements your singing ability very well.
Bringing you up is a pleasure I will not trade with anything. Eventhough you are now a grown adult, to me you will always be my baby......Happy Birthday Mas Afzal. You already an asset to humanity. May Allah continues to watch over you, allowing you to progress and to serve your ummah in your own unique, Mama.
If u ask Fifah, she'll tell you you are not the only looney one in this family. She gets your childish treatment from both Andi and Afzal too.....
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