They say, you don't miss your water till the well runs dry. I hope this well doesn't cease to dry up anytime in the near (or much longer) future.

Syawal, I have a lot to be thankful for. The wait may have been arduous, but it's coming duly cherished. For the first time in many years (six, in particular!) - our family has come full circle.

Salam Aidilfitri from all of us.
Mohon maaf zahir batin bagi segala salah silap, terkasar bahasa terlanjur kata. Semoga kedatangan lebaran ini membuka pintu hati munajat syukur pada segala pemberian Allah.-JeP
P.S : More updates soon-ish...insyaAllah while I remain basked in the festive moods.
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum wbth,
As one grows older, one's needs become simpler and fewer. But that does not mean those needs are less important. At least that's my feeling.
At this point in my life, nothing matters more than MY FAMILY, i.e my husband, children, in-laws...and God willing, my grandchildren. Than comes my extended family, i.e my siblings and their families. My parents fall in a different category all together. They are a part of me and as such I cannot quantify my love for them.
Each time we celebrate Eid, I look forward most to the morning when I take the hands of all these people that I love, ask and give forgiveness, and shower them with loving hugs. The feeling is nothing words can describe.
This year's Eid is very special because for the first time in 6 long years, MY FAMILY is complete. Mas and I will always treasure this year's Eid because all 5 of our beautiful children were present...Mas Affendi, Mas Jaffri, Mas Afzal, Siti Nor Aiysha, Siti Nor Atiqah and Nur Afifah ......Alhamdullillah.
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