Its funny, that I find ourselves responding upon things by its face-value. A characteristic snuggery, a product arising from our mortal thoughts and an uninformed mind. More often than not, sometimes we fail to look through all the facets that seal our fates, and the vision that transpires our condition - in turn missing many of life's greatest lessons God shows us. Sometimes, these 'epiphanies' come in many shapes and forms and tales; often mistaken as just another random observation by our human eye.
Ramadhan imparts wisdom only God can give, in ways many often misjudge.
I also had the wonderful opportunity of having my Iftar later that evening with another special person, whom helped me cement what seemed like an epiphany of sorts; a celebration of gratitude in this holiest of months. His name was Shamsuri, and was in Melbourne for a brief holiday. His sentiments on Bundoora has been very kind, complementing every nook and cranny of being very picturesque; not even a deterring comment on the icy-weather and cold winds we had that week. I can't even catch my breath complaining about it. He's been in Melbourne for a few days, and had been prancing about the suburbs - he was planning for a sight-seeing tour of the city come next sunrise. On the surface, this may seem a normal plan to look forward for - only Shamsuri has one slight disadvantage. He's also a sight-challenged individual.
Fendi worked out the courage to ask him as to how he'd actually enjoy such pleasures in his condition but his concurrent answer left even me speechless.
"For others, they see by looking. I see by feeling. My interaction with the world my whole life, has been about feeling. But are my perceptions any different than yours?"
His words caught me by surprise. It is true, that if senses are confounded by our ability to see, hear, speak and taste - then our interactions with the world remain only electrical impulses between our receptors and our brain. We forget to have some sense of empathy to our surroundings, and because of that we fall victim of always taking things for granted. We oversee what we are blessed with, and forget how it feels to have it before we're robbed of it. In Islam, we're reminded to pay heed of five blessings before five predicaments.
Sihat, sebelum sakit. Muda, sebelum tua. Kaya, sebelum miskin. Lapang, sebelum sempit. Hidup, sebelum mati.
As with others, I acquire many inept flaws which holds me humble. In my deepest darkest hours I almost never fail to question the reality that besets me, wondering the whys and the whats. Like every normal sentient consciously capable of feeling or perception, the sense of insecurity, remorse and regret can arise a vigorous enemy. But, Ramadhan's coming this year had inculcated such a huge appreciation for life itself, and stood a prudent reminder for me to always be grateful towards everything I have, own, am and will be. I've been blessed all my life, regardless, in ways I often foresee by its face-value. It took two blind people to remind me of this, and for that I am humbled.
Life, is indeed a long lesson in humility.
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