Monday, November 17, 2008

"The one with the feast, more feasts..."

It's quickly becoming a norm - that our lab would expect a feast of at least biblical proportions everytime the festivities arrive. In this case; really late. Imagine, celebrating Aidilfitri in the month of Zulkaedah. But anyways, I realized that this might be the last time I'd get to indulge myself with these sorta stuff with my labbies. So, I decided to go with the flow and contribute one last time (in terms of manpower and slaving myself) because I might not have the opportunity to do so again with them after this.

Caps : The girls came perfectly clad in matching outfits - on first glance they even look like a long, red carpet.

Caps : I hope Dr. Asmah doesn't kill me over this picture.

Oh, we also celebrated the birthdays of Zahiri, Ikin, Kak Dila and Haizum.

Kumpulan Nasyid Al-Nanonah.

Something tells me I'm going to miss all these. You don't crave water till your well runs dry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jep...datang makan je....typical u...

gosh...i do miss all activities here with the dutchies are very party oriented...80's party la, Mojito party la...bosan!!!!