Saturday, May 14, 2005

What a WoNdErFuL world...(dunkin' donuts rock!!)

My whole entertainment regime here in Gwangju has been hugely in debt to the hilariously fun seasons of Friends. I've been a really huge fan of the series and THANK GOD it's showing daily here in GIST! I've been hooked on the TV set everyday when it airs (I've managed to figured out how the TV programmes work!) rekindling the series's past seasons from season 4 onwards. It's great fun and laughter watching Friends anytime of the day, and the great thing is it still tickles your funnybone even if it's an episode you've seen millions of times before. Kinda like those P. Ramlee movies - in technicolor!
I look forward to the witty lives of Ross and the gang in a few hours before it airs later tonight...
Today I spent half the day at the lab doing absolutely nothing, and frankly that has caused me to feel extremely sleepy and tired. Fifah always told me that this is one of those 'suap-balik negatif' effects...don't really get what she's saying. Luckily Jo dropped by to have a chat, and we decided to go out to LotteMart along with the rest of the gang - Soo Chin's expressed her desire to go 'window-shopping' with Pei Tze and Freddy. So I guess its great to tag along.
The walk to LotteMart wasn't that demanding on our feet, considering it's almost a 20 minute walk from GIST. LotteMart's this kinda Carrefour-like hypermarket; really reminds me of how Carrefour would look like if it's filled with Koreans. Anyways, one of the reasons I tagged along was also to find any nice fittings for my sweetheart Fifah. Maybe some attires for my siblings. Andi seriously is in need of a jacket, or even long pants. He needs to have more than one option other than that same 'ol brown short cargo pants he always wears rain or shine, in the sun or under the moon. I must say, Lottemart does has its share of great t-shirts and jackets - and at a very reasonable price. Maybe I'll get one for myself.
The team decided to go for dinner (it was already around 8pm) and being the odd one unable to eat anything but vege's and rice, I opt to just get back to GIST. I needed the solo-walk anyways. I think once in a while its great to be able to walk without having to keep up with somebody. Anyways, after saying goodbye I decided to drop by Dunkin' Donuts to indulge in some long-anticipated vanilla and mocha frost donuts. Ohh God the donuts are just AMAZING! If there's one dessert I don't mind having in excess, it must be Dunkin's. I remember in the good old days (when I was skinnier) when I was able to finish a box of 'em at one time....ahhh one of life's innocent pleasures...
The journey home was lovely - it's getting darker but not too dark (if you get what I mean) and the breeze's are not too chilly; basically its just a nice comfortable walk home. I enjoyed it, being able to walk and enjoy the scenery. It's a Saturday and Koreans are socially active this time of the week. On my way back to GIST I had to pass through the park, filled with eager Koreans enjoying their strolls and jogs...and it was dark! There were couples everywhere - yound and old, holding hands and laughing, smiling and hugging each other...quickly reminded me of how much I miss Fifah at the moment. But it was sweet, I'm really impressed so far with how Koreans are. It's hard nowadays in Malaysia to find old couples still head over heels with each other and have no problems sharing it with the public! But these Koreans are quite open when it comes to this stuff. And there were children everywhere! Some were with their friends cycling, some were with their dads playing badminton or even learning how to skate, some are even with their moms walking on the reflexology-designed path. It was nice. For me, it was culture perfectly molded, coexisting with the advancement of technology and time...and truth be told, it was bliss. I stopped and took some time to rest on the benches (my feet were killing me!) and enjoy the ambience. The fountains were on and the lake looked exquisite. I had the nicest opportunity to talk to a Korean elder and his grand daughter; the grand daddy being a Korean military veteran so communicating wasn't a problem.
We said our goodbyes when her grand daughter wanted some ice-creams from Lotteria. He kindly offered for me to join in but I respectably decline. I needed to get back anyways. The rest of my journey home reminded me, of how diverse the world is when it comes to people and their cultures. How different we can be even though we're that similarly connected. And how, even if we're so different from each other, it's not that hard to connect with each other. I guess it's true, when they say; 'people who love people, are the luckiest people in the world'...*cue inspirational applause*...I'm blessed to know this first hand today.
I look forward to what tommorow has in store for me, as me and the gang venture into the depths of downtown Gwangju somewhat after lunch. Let's pray this time we get the bus right.
P/S : Happy Birthday to Nora and Bernard, and the long list of friends celebrating their birthdays this month. God bless and all the best in everything you do!

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