Happy Birthday Chemoboy!

Here's wishing you another round of warm wishes, bucketful of joy and streams of happiness. May you always fall under the grace of Allah SWT, be blessed with a wonderful and grandly illustrious life ahead of you. There may lie hard and arduous trenches ahead, but we all know that whatever God tests you with - you'll surpass them with great patience, diligence and heartfelt empathy.
Nothing but the best wishes accompany you today, and every passing day after. Your well-being and good health are always in my prayers; in the anticipation of that grand reunion soon enough. Selamat hari lahir my brother, and many happy returns.
Assalamualaikum wbth,
I had the opportunity to leave behind a birthday card for chemoboy the last time I was in Sheffield (18th - 27th Sept.)M was my "partner in crime" for he had to hang on to the card n only give it to Afzal on Oct 12th...anyway, for the first time since Afzal left to read medicine, I get to give him a birthday card!
Among my 5 children, I noticed, from since Afzal was small, that he is usually the last to "get it"...especially in matters concerning "the birds n the bees"...Whenever he doesn't understand anything, I would tell him "ask Andi or Jep"...or "ask ur ustaz.." and my I believe it has something to do with him being born later in the year...in October, to be exact!..my other children are born in January, February, July n August...
Jep - u need to do research on this hypothesis...
Afzal - Don't fret, I am not criticising u..it's just an interesting observation..and it is really cute because between Andi, Jep n U, the other two would understand straight away what I'm referring to but u will be dumbfounded n scratching ur head...he..he..
P/S : I miss those days when u guys are still schooling, always around me, making so much noise, fighting, always eating, pestering me for things, driving me up the wall with ur constant messing-up-ur-room habits....what I'd give to go through all that again!
Mama....Happy Birthday Chemoboy!
Happy Belated Birthday,Afzal!!!
Wishing you strenght and patience in going thru dis tough phase...
Luv u so much n we miss u tons...
Cant wait to c u again,bro...
LoVe...Syah n TixXie...:)
Salamm and Happy Birthday Afzal, I'm not that good with words, but I want you to know that I'm proud to have a nephew such as you and I have all the confidence in the world that you're able to overcome whatever obstacles thrown in your path of life...
Lots of luv,
Pakcik n Acik Shiela
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