Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"The one with picking up and setting off..."

"you can live your whole life, and never know who you are...until you see the world, through the eyes of others..."

That's deep. Real deep.

Imagine exploring the paradox of perceiving others as a direct manifestation of oneself. I've stumbled upon a trailer, so moving that I'd think "The Visitor" has all the runnings for one classic all-time sob story. I'm such a sucker for inspirational pieces. Personally, I think any screenplay helmed by Richard Jenkins would definitely list something as different and unique in its tagline. This guy would epitomize the notion of turning lemon into lemonade. Would definitely be looking for this enticing movie released in 2007 but never set shore this side of the world.

Speaking of which, there are a number of screenings I'd very much like to catch if given the time and leisure of doing so. I've thought of 2007 to be a bit stale in terms of movies catching my eye, but judging from trailers I've been notoriously viewing the past few days I'd say this year we're in to a treat. There're many more exciting movies on the line, but these are a few I'd like to watch in the near future.

Of course, I may have to resort frequent visits to USJ if I'd want to uphold these quotas *wink*wink*....

There's apparently nil interesting news lately on the headlines of newspapers all over. Most often revolve upon the antithesis of what's turning into a very low-key general election. Is it just me or are Malaysians losing interest coming into this next electoral process, just due end of the week? Mail-voters have been putting in their ballots and it's a matter of time until the rest of the public does. Whatever is the case - I really do think that the media is overwhelmingly biased towards a single party I'm sure we all know (;-*) but seriously, I'm sure there are other stories to report deserving more news space rather than the rantings and ramblings of soon-to-be MBs on every mindless allegations.

I've been a bit taken away lately, with a few things going on at the moment in my life. Just got back from a family occasion last weekend, and yesterday experimental work on my 'post-masteral' (I'd like to refer to it as being!) projects already just kicked off. That, after long strenuous drafting of both my two manuscripts for journal publication as well as my thesis drafts. I'm just happy that the three biotech honors students under my supervision didn't rack up any drama, as their lab works are concerned with.

I'm still wondering whether they'd be able to finish on time without taking any lethal bullets during their viva voce soon. Alas, as the saying goes...just pick yourself up and set off.

So they say.


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